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≡ Read Gratis Girl of Nightmares Anna Dressed in Blood Series Kendare Blake Books

Girl of Nightmares Anna Dressed in Blood Series Kendare Blake Books

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Girl of Nightmares Anna Dressed in Blood Series Kendare Blake Books

It's a must to read the first book "Anna Dressed in Blood" before this one as it is a continuation of the story and takes up after the events in the first book. Cas has remained in Thunder Bay with his friends Thomas and Carmel, but he is haunted wondering why he sees Anna and has nightmares of her in torment. She saved Cas and his friends from Obeahman, but did that mean she's in hell and being tormented by him? This book starts out slow, but gradually picks up speed and really gets going toward the climatic ending. I gave this 5 stars as the last third is imaginative, thrilling, unique. As a sequel it's very good in completing the story and filling in the backround that wasn't addressed in "Anna Dressed in Blood" and the heart warming ending was perfect.

Read Girl of Nightmares Anna Dressed in Blood Series Kendare Blake Books

Tags : Girl of Nightmares (Anna Dressed in Blood Series) (9780765328663): Kendare Blake: Books,Kendare Blake,Girl of Nightmares (Anna Dressed in Blood Series),Tor Teen,0765328666,Horror,Blessing and cursing,Cats,Cats;Fiction.,Ghost stories,Ghosts,Ghosts;Fiction.,Horror stories,JUVENILE FICTION General,Wiccans,Wiccans;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fiction,Fiction-Horror,Horror & ghost stories, chillers (Children's Teenage),JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Paranormal,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Horror,Young Adult FictionParanormal, Occult & Supernatural,young adult horror; teen horror; scary books for teens; ghosts; ghost stories; ya horror; young adult fiction; paranormal books; paranormal fiction books; teen paranormal abook; supernatural books; supernatural book; supernatural fiction; supernatural stories; supernatural novels; young adult; teen

Girl of Nightmares Anna Dressed in Blood Series Kendare Blake Books Reviews

Even though I really liked this book I am finding it very to get my thoughts together for it. It is quite different from the first book since there is a lot less action and it’s nearly as scary/creepy as the first book.

Girl of Nightmares continues on about 6 months after the end of Anna Dressed in Blood. Cas just can’t get over it. He still has his friends Carmel and Thomas with him and he went through quite a bit of hassle with the death of the boys from the first book. He doesn’t let the rumors of what might have happened get to him. He actually uses the fear the kids have of him to his advantage at one point. The relationship development between Thomas and Carmel is a great side story also.

Anna is not really in this book very often. She appears every once in a while at first but then she disappears again. Cas is dead set on saving her from whatever world she is in. The parts with Anna are the creepiest part of the books. They actually lean more towards gory.

I am so glad that Blake ended this book where she did and that she doesn’t plan on continuing on the series. She could have dragged it out if she really wanted to. I love the cover of this book as well and the same red writing that is in the first book.

I definitely recommend you read this if you enjoyed Anna Dressed in Blood because it is a great continuation. I enjoyed it for different reasons than I did the first one. If all else fails They look great sitting on your shelf!
I love a book that can give me that creepy feeling, where you don't want to turn the page but you have to because you need to know what comes next. Girl of Nightmares is that kind of book.

Girl of Nightmares follows Cas as he tries to come to terms with losing Anna, and finding a way to see if she's at peace after she sacrificed herself to save him. It's a little more emotional than Anna Dressed in Blood, but it also has those light moments to keep it from dragging. There are enough side stories to keep the secondary characters involved and real, and yet it's easy to see the main storyline.

Anna isn't in this book much, but that's okay. She doesn't need to be in order for her to have an impact. Her absence in Cas' life is felt by having her absent in the book. She only really shows up near the end, and while I'm sad there's not going to be another book to their story, the ending is perfect for them. It was exactly what I wish for in any ending of a story. It felt right and gave me that happy feeling while still making me sigh because there's nothing more.

Once again, Blake's writing style helps make this novel amazing. She doesn't skimp on anything. You get the full effect of everything creepy and morbid in this novel. If something happens, she doesn't make the book prettier and gloss over it. If a ghost is gross, you read that. If a place is creepy beyond belief, she makes you believe it. It is fantastic.

Girl of Nightmares is an amazing sequel to a wonderful book. It's a fitting conclusion to the story of Anna and Cas. Even though I wish there could be more, Blake managed to end the series on a perfect note.
The ending of Anna Dressed in Blood meant that the sequel could really go either way for me, depending on how Blake resolved things. Because she’s awesome, I liked Girl of Nightmares just as well as Anna Dressed in Blood, though for slightly different reasons. The books are a bit different in some ways, but I think both quite good. I don’t know if this sequel was entirely necessary, but it’s good enough that that doesn’t really matter much. Girl of Nightmares probably won’t give you nightmares, but it might keep you up late reading.

Kendare Blake’s Anna duology is one of the rare times in paranormal where I think the romance is just what it should be. Most authors would come up with some magical ending, pull the HEA out of the hellmouth. I like that things aren’t that simple in Girl of Nightmares. The ending’s satisfying but it’s not perfect or magical. It’s realistic, so far as a story about going to find a ghost in hell can be. Romance is Cas’ driving force in Girl of Nightmares, but it’s not the driving force of the series.

Speaking of romance, I really appreciate Carmel’s character in a whole lot of ways. I didn’t really talk about her in book one because I wanted to finish out her character arc. She’s this perfect, popular girl on the surface. She could so easily have been a stereotypical queen bee. Instead, shes’ a loyal friend and a fiend with a bat. For the terrible circumstances she winds up in with Cas and Thomas, she hardly complains and she helps save the day a lot, despite being basically the only non-magical person to matter in the series. In no way is she ever the damsel in distress. I also LOVE that she was not in the book to be a love interest for Cas and that she goes for the less obvious guy.

If what you loved best about Anna Dressed in Blood was the scary ghost stuff, then Girl of Nightmares will probably be a bit of a let down. There are a few scary ghosts scenes, but it’s not nearly so gory or consistent. The plot’s a bit more meandering, with Thomas heading on a journey to figure out how to rescue Anna from hell. The plot works in the long run, I think, but in the middle it does feel as though it hits doldrums.

The characterization could still be better in the series, however. I still don’t really have any sense of who Cas is at all. He’s not quite flat, but he’s definitely not real. Blake excels at setting and horror, but the characters are not there yet. Of course, these are her first two published books, so I’m sure she’ll grow better at this as time goes by. Despite being a character-focused reader, there was enough to love in both of these books to keep me interested without the emotional connection.

Ultimately, what I love about this series ender is that Kendare Blake dared to go with a less traditional ending. The Anna series is good for horror fans, quick and fun.
It's a must to read the first book "Anna Dressed in Blood" before this one as it is a continuation of the story and takes up after the events in the first book. Cas has remained in Thunder Bay with his friends Thomas and Carmel, but he is haunted wondering why he sees Anna and has nightmares of her in torment. She saved Cas and his friends from Obeahman, but did that mean she's in hell and being tormented by him? This book starts out slow, but gradually picks up speed and really gets going toward the climatic ending. I gave this 5 stars as the last third is imaginative, thrilling, unique. As a sequel it's very good in completing the story and filling in the backround that wasn't addressed in "Anna Dressed in Blood" and the heart warming ending was perfect.
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